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There are many flaws in these recordings. The Beelzebub ones were done over a period of more than fifteen years, under different circumstances from recording to recording. Consequently there are many variations of sound quality and level which all the efforts of my technical asssistants Patrick and David could not entirely smooth out.
There is also the fact that my pronounication of Gurdjieff's neologisms and also foreign words might be questionable. I took my pronunciation of the neologisms from my memories of having heard J. G. Bennett read Beelzebub's Tales many times. I was not able to get hold of the guide to the pronounciation of these written around 1937 or so that is, so I am told, to be fond in an edition of the 'Guide and Index'.
Even my pronounciation of English words is sometimes questionable. I inherited a stammer which sometimes peeks through. At times I have said the wrong word which then means taking a copy of the right one from somewhwere else in the sequence and pasting it it. This can never be done perfectly.
The later recordings were not recorded in studio and occasional extraneous noises appear. David Blake has done what he can to deal with these but there are limits.
It is also the case that the timbre and clarity of my speech can vary from day to day so that there may not be a consistent feel to what you may hear.
Some of my edits are clumsy.
I can only cleave to the saying of that wise English writer G.K Chesterton who said, 'If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing badly'.
Beelzebub’s Tales
Meetings with Remarkable Men
Life is Real Then, Only When ‘I Am’
Herald of Coming Good & Glimpses of the Truth & Struggle of the Magicians
Views from the Real World
In Search of the Miraculous – Ouspensky
Mount Analogue – Daumal
Mr God, This is Anna – Fynn
Gilgamesh – trs. Mitchell
Waiting on God – Simone Weil
Miester Eckhart
The Cloud of Unknowing - Anon
William Blake: Everlasting Gospel, Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The Mental Traveller,
T S Eliot: Ash Wednesday, The Hollow Men, Lovesong of J Arthur Prufrock. Four Quartets
R. M. Rilke: Duino Elegies (two versions)
Walt Whitman: I Sing the Body Electric, Song of Myself
Shakespeare: Sonnets
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£25 UK post and packing according to region |
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